Better Health Channel

Can you do with some recipe inspiration?

There are a million resources online about cooking healthy meals, but it’s hard to know which ones to trust.

Check out some of these from our friends at Live Lighter.

There are a million resources online about cooking healthy meals, but it’s hard to know which ones to trust.

Check out some of these from our friends at Live Lighter.

Vegetarian, vegan, dairy-free or gluten free?

To find healthy recipes for your dietary needs, use the 'special diet' search function for delicious vegetarian, vegan, dairy free and gluten free options!

Search recipesExternal Link

Vegetarian, vegan, dairy-free or gluten free?

To find healthy recipes for your dietary needs, use the 'special diet' search function for delicious vegetarian, vegan, dairy free and gluten free options!

Search recipesExternal Link

Facts about vegan and vegetarian diets

Read up on the basics of being a vegetarian and everything you need to know about being vegan, including some specific nutrients you need to be aware of.

Vegetarian basicsExternal Link

Facts about vegan and vegetarian diets

Read up on the basics of being a vegetarian and everything you need to know about being vegan, including some specific nutrients you need to be aware of.

Vegetarian basicsExternal Link

Have a question about the Life! program?

For information on the program, contact Diabetes Victoria Tel. 13 74 75

Life! program - Diabetes Victoria - Victorian Government logos

Have a question about the Life! program?

For information on the program, contact Diabetes Victoria Tel. 13 74 75

Life! program - Diabetes Victoria - Victorian Government logos

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Reviewed on: 03-04-2024