Better Health Channel Department of Health Department of Health

Viewing 1-10 of 70 results

  1. About palliative care – Moira and George (video)

    Moira and George talk about the difference palliative care has made to their quality of life.

  2. Advance Care Planning – act while you're still healthy (video)

    This 'Advance care plan' video clip offers first hand accounts from those who have completed their own Advance care plans.

  3. Advance Care Planning – making it easier for everyone (video)

    This 'Advance care plan' video clip offers first hand accounts from those who have completed their own Advance care plans.

  4. Advance Care Planning – putting it in writing (video)

    This 'Advance care plan' video clip offers first hand accounts from those who have completed their own Advance care plans.

  5. Advance Care Planning – starting the conversation (video)

    This 'Advance care plan' video clip offers first hand accounts from those who have completed their own Advance care plans.

  6. Aimee Green, Carer, Hamilton

    As Aimee’s husband was battling post traumatic stress and a conversion disorder, Aimee realised she also needed to talk to someone about how she was feeling.

  7. Amy Corcoran, lived experience worker, Melbourne

    Know that you are not alone, push through the anxiety of sharing to get help. Know it will shift and change, and that these feelings are not forever.

  8. Avoid food poisoning - Cook Safe (video)

    Learn how to prepare and cook food safely at home.

  9. Avoid food poisoning - Eat Safe (video)

    Learn how to make sure your food is safe to eat.

  10. Avoid food poisoning - Shop Safe (video)

    Learn how to keep your hot and cold foods separate and shop safely for food.