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- Blood pressure (high) - hypertension
Hypertension, or high blood pressure, can increase your risk of heart attack, kidney failure and stroke.
- Heart attack and stroke – calculating your risk score
As part of a Heart Health Check, your doctor will calculate your cardiovascular disease risk score. Your risk score estimates your risk of having a heart attack or stroke in the next 5 years.
- Heart disease and stroke
Although blocked blood vessels can cause both coronary heart disease and some types of stroke, stroke is not the same as heart disease.
- Smoking kills
Tobacco causes more illness and death than any other drug.
- Stroke risk and prevention
Everyone can reduce their risk of having a stroke by making a few simple lifestyle changes.
- Women and stroke
Stroke is the second biggest killer of Australian women and kills more women than breast cancer.
- Childhood Stroke
Stroke is rare among children and babies, but it can occur.
- Heart disease and stroke
Although blocked blood vessels can cause both coronary heart disease and some types of stroke, stroke is not the same as heart disease.
- Stroke explained
A stroke is when blood can’t get to all parts of your brain and is a medical emergency. If blood can’t get through, your brain can be injured.
- Transient ischaemic attack (TIA)
A transient ischaemic attack (sometimes called a mini-stroke) is a warning that a stroke may follow, and requires urgent medical attention.
- Women and stroke
Stroke is the second biggest killer of Australian women and kills more women than breast cancer.