Mental health services
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- Assessments and evaluations for mental illness treatment
Your local doctor can conduct an initial mental health assessment and may refer you to a counsellor, psychologist or psychiatrist depending on your needs.
- Early signs and intervention with mental illness
A range of services are available to assist you with mental health difficulties. Getting help early can reduce the severity of mental illness symptoms and the impact on people’s daily lives.
- Mental Health and Wellbeing Connect
Mental Health and Wellbeing Connect is a service dedicated to people who are supporting someone living with mental health and substance use challenges or psychological distress.
- Referrals and access to mental health services
If you are experiencing unusual or disturbing thoughts, feelings or behaviour, there are mental health services to help you in Victoria
- Types of mental health issues and illnesses
Mental health issues and illnesses may impact on a person’s thoughts, perceptions, feelings and behaviours. Most people can manage their condition with medication, counselling or both.
- Counselling, online and phone support for mental illness
There are many free mental health hotlines and mental health online support services available across Victoria which provide crisis support, information, resources, counselling and therapy to people of all ages.
- Darce, café worker, Glenroy
Darce is a mental health advocate and has been diagnosed with borderline personality disorder. Watch Darce’s story about how getting a diagnosis and a support system can really help.
- Getting help for a mental illness
If you are feeling unwell, overwhelmed, depressed, anxious or suicidal, it is important to know that there is help out there. Mental health support services are available throughout Victoria, 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Whether you are in crisis, looking for someone to talk to or seeking advice about mental illness, there is help available.
- Getting help for someone with a mental illness
The sooner a person with a mental illness receives treatment, the better the outcome is likely to be.
- Local Connections
Local Connections supports adults experiencing social isolation or loneliness to build strong social connections. Support is free and confidential, and you do not need a Medicare card or GP referral.
- Making a complaint about a mental health service
If you are dissatisfied with a mental health treatment or service, you have the right to make a complaint and have your concerns addressed.
- Mental Health and Wellbeing Connect
Mental Health and Wellbeing Connect is a service dedicated to people who are supporting someone living with mental health and substance use challenges or psychological distress.
- Mental Health and Wellbeing Hubs
Mental Health and Wellbeing Hubs can help you with a range of different issues, including lowered mood, anxiety, substance use or addiction, or any distress you may have.
- Peter, retired detective sergeant, Melbourne
Peter Bellion is a retired Detective Sergeant in the Victoria Police Major Collision Investigation Unit and a chronic post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) survivor.
- Talking through problems
Children and young people may find it difficult to open up about their problems. These tips can help you to find someone to talk to about your feelings and worries.
- Talking to health professionals about mental health issues
Talking with a doctor or healthcare professional about your mental health issues will help you to feel comfortable and get the most appropriate treatment for your needs.
- Trauma - reaction and recovery
It is normal to have strong emotional or physical reactions after a distressing or frightening event, and help is available.
- Caring for someone with mental illness
Being a carer for someone with a mental illness can be emotionally and physically demanding, but it can also be a rewarding experience.
- Colleagues, employees and mental health in the workplace
If you are concerned that a fellow worker has a mental health issue, communicate with them to see if you can help or speak to someone more senior who can provide assistance.
- Getting help for someone with a mental illness
The sooner a person with a mental illness receives treatment, the better the outcome is likely to be.
- Mental Health and Wellbeing Connect
Mental Health and Wellbeing Connect is a service dedicated to people who are supporting someone living with mental health and substance use challenges or psychological distress.
- Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) course
Learn about the early warning signs of mental illness, how to communicate well, and where to find professional mental health services in your local community.
- Hospitals, clinics and residential options for mental illness
There are a range of mental health services, some provided by government and some that are run by private or community providers.
- Mental Health and Wellbeing Connect
Mental Health and Wellbeing Connect is a service dedicated to people who are supporting someone living with mental health and substance use challenges or psychological distress.
- Mental Health and Wellbeing Hubs
Mental Health and Wellbeing Hubs can help you with a range of different issues, including lowered mood, anxiety, substance use or addiction, or any distress you may have.
- Moving between hospital and home
The type of illness and the severity of your condition will determine the kind of setting where you can access treatment.
- Housing and accommodation support for people with mental illness
Like any other chronic condition, mental illness might affect your ability to manage aspects of everyday life such as finding accommodation or housing and maintaining a place to live, but there are services available to help you.
- Local Connections
Local Connections supports adults experiencing social isolation or loneliness to build strong social connections. Support is free and confidential, and you do not need a Medicare card or GP referral.
- Managing mental health medications
Medications can be important in the management of mental health issues, whether for a short time or for ongoing stabilization of symptoms.
- Mental Health and Wellbeing Connect
Mental Health and Wellbeing Connect is a service dedicated to people who are supporting someone living with mental health and substance use challenges or psychological distress.
- Mental illness statistics
Almost half of all Australians will be affected by mental illness at some time in their life.
- Relationships, family and mental health
When you, your partner or someone in your family has a mental illness, it can cause stress and worry for everyone.
- Mental health services - case managers and key clinicians
A case manager or key clinician looks after your interests while you are a client of public (government) mental health services.
- Mental health services and programs explained
If you think that you or someone you know has a mental health issue, there are a number of ways that you can seek advice, information and referral for general and mental health issues in Victoria.
- Referrals and access to mental health services
If you are experiencing unusual or disturbing thoughts, feelings or behaviour, there are mental health services to help you in Victoria
- Stigma, discrimination and mental illness
Stigma is when someone sees you in a negative way because of a particular characteristic or attribute, such as mental health condition.
- Who's who in mental health services
There are a range of mental healthcare and welfare professionals who can help you or someone you care for.
- Aboriginal health services
The following services provide specialised healthcare for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people in Victoria.
- Children’s Health and Wellbeing Locals
Children’s Health and Wellbeing Locals provide health and wellbeing support for children aged zero to 11 and their families and carers.
- Local Connections
Local Connections supports adults experiencing social isolation or loneliness to build strong social connections. Support is free and confidential, and you do not need a Medicare card or GP referral.
- Mental Health and Wellbeing Connect
Mental Health and Wellbeing Connect is a service dedicated to people who are supporting someone living with mental health and substance use challenges or psychological distress.
- Mental Health and Wellbeing Hubs
Mental Health and Wellbeing Hubs can help you with a range of different issues, including lowered mood, anxiety, substance use or addiction, or any distress you may have.
- Psychoanalysis
Psychoanalysis is a treatment based on the theory that our present is shaped by our past.
- Carer rights and recognition
Respect, consideration, recognition and support are some of the principles that guide how government departments, local councils and government-funded services work with carers and people who are being cared for.
- Making a complaint about a mental health service
If you are dissatisfied with a mental health treatment or service, you have the right to make a complaint and have your concerns addressed.
- Children, young people and mental health services
Growing up is not easy and at each stage of development, from pre-primary right through to the teen years, there are challenges that will test a child’s emotional and mental health.
- Hospitals, clinics and residential options for mental illness
There are a range of mental health services, some provided by government and some that are run by private or community providers.
- Local Connections
Local Connections supports adults experiencing social isolation or loneliness to build strong social connections. Support is free and confidential, and you do not need a Medicare card or GP referral.
- Psychoanalysis
Psychoanalysis is a treatment based on the theory that our present is shaped by our past.
- Rural, regional and farming mental health services
Public mental health services in rural and regional Victoria are often some distance away or more costly than they are in the city.
- Urgent treatment for mental illness
Telephone helplines such as Lifeline (call 13 11 14) offer immediate mental health support and counselling 24 hours a day, seven days a week. If you are in immediate danger, call triple zero (000) for emergency services.
- Veterans, war and mental health services
The Australian Government scheme ‘At Ease’ offers support, counselling and resources to help war veterans and Australian Defence Force personnel living with mental health conditions.