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- Bipolar disorder
Bipolar disorder is a type of psychosis, which means the person?s perception of reality is altered. It is characterised by extreme mood swings
- Depression explained
The most important thing is to recognise the signs and symptoms and seek support.
- Postnatal depression (PND)
Postnatal depression can happen either a few days or weeks after the birth, with a slow or sudden onset.
- Cognitive behaviour therapy (CBT)
Cognitive behaviour therapy (CBT) can help you change unhelpful or unhealthy habits of thinking, feeling and behaving.
- Depression - treatment and management
The most important thing is to recognise the signs and symptoms and seek support.
- Electroconvulsive therapy (ECT)
Electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) can be an effective treatment for some types of mental illness.
- Helping your child with mental illness
Recognising that your child has a mental health problem and seeking professional support are important first steps to take.
- Mental health services - case managers and key clinicians
A case manager or key clinician looks after your interests while you are a client of public (government) mental health services.
- Mental health treatment plans
A mental health treatment plan explains the support provided by each member of a person's healthcare team.
- Strong relationships, strong health
Having friends and other social connections is good for your health and wellbeing.
- Anxiety and depression in men
Improve your understanding of anxiety and depression, then take action.
- Depression and ageing
Older people are at greater risk of developing mental health conditions because of the cumulative effect of numerous risk factors, including chronic illness and isolation.
- Depression and exercise
Research shows that keeping active can help lift mood, improve sleeping patterns, and increase energy levels.
- Rural issues - alcohol and depression
Self-medicating with alcohol doesn't solve the causes of depression, which is common in rural communities.
- Grief after suicide
The grief felt by family and friends can be deeper when the cause of death is suicide.
- Self-harm and self-injury
Self-harm and self-injury is when people hurt themselves on purpose, usually in response to intense emotional pain or negative feelings, thoughts or memories.
- Suicide
In Australia, suicide is the leading cause of death for people aged between 15 and 44. We can all play a role in preventing suicide by looking out for possible warning signs and reaching out.
- Suicide and mental health conditions
Some mental health conditions are associated with an increased risk of suicide. Protective factors can reduce suicide risk, such as mental health care, counselling and social support.
- Youth suicide – the warning signs
All suicide threats are serious. You don't have to be a trained professional to help a person contemplating suicide.