Viewing 1-10 of 1010 results
- Abdominal birth defects
During fetal development, the diaphragm or abdominal wall may fail to properly fuse, allowing the abdominal organs to protrude.
- Abdominal muscles
The abdominal muscles support the trunk, allow movement and hold organs in place by regulating internal abdominal pressure.
- Abdominal pain in adults
The type of pain felt in the abdomen can vary greatly.
- Abdominal pain in children
Children may feel stomach pain for a range of reasons and may need treatment.
- Abdominoplasty (tummy tuck)
A 'tummy tuck', or abdominoplasty, is cosmetic surgery to remove fat and excess loose skin from the abdomen.
- About COVID-19
Learn about what the symptoms of COVID-19 are, how it spreads and what viral shedding is.
- Absent periods – amenorrhoea
Some women are more at risk of amenorrhoea (the absence of periods) because of emotional stress or changes in weight.
- Achilles tendinopathy
People who run regularly seem to be susceptible to Achilles tendonitis
- Acne
Acne is common and can make people of all ages feel embarrassed, but treatments can help if acne is causing distress.
- Acoustic neuroma
In its earlier stages, an acoustic neuroma can present similar symptoms to other, less serious conditions, which may delay diagnosis and treatment.