Better Health Channel
  • E-cigarettes simulate smoking (called vaping) without burning any tobacco. A battery powered device heats liquid into an aerosol which is inhaled into the lungs.
  • The liquid inside the e-cigarette contains a complex mix of chemicals including nicotine and toxic chemicals including, but not limited to, nickel, tin, benzene, arsenic, chlorine and lead.
  • E-cigarettes are often mislabelled as being ‘non-nicotine’ but one vape can contain the equivalent nicotine as in 50 tobacco cigarettes.
  • The full health impacts of e-cigarettes are not yet known, however potential dangers include faulty parts, potentially flammable lithium batteries, nicotine addiction and overdose.
  • E-liquids and e-cigarettes are particularly dangerous to young children and can lead to poisoning and even death.
  • E-cigarettes cannot be used in areas where smoking is banned, cannot be displayed at retail outlets and cannot be sold to people under 18 years of age.
  • In Victoria, it is generally illegal to sell, possess or use e-cigarettes outside of those prescribed by a doctor.
  • The Australian Government recently introduced legislation which bans the importation of all non-prescription vaping products as well as single use vapes. The Australian Government is also working with the states and territories to only permit the sale of e-cigarettes in pharmacies.
  • A number of resources are available to help people quit vaping and smoking.

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Reviewed on: 01-07-2024