Better Health Channel Department of Health Department of Health
  • Gestational trophoblastic disease (GTD) is a term covering pregnancy conditions that involve the placental tissue turning cancer-like.
  • Molar pregnancy is the most common type of GTD.
  • Molar pregnancy is a form of abnormal pregnancy, in which the formed placental-like tissue sometimes invades the wall of the uterus (womb).
  • Molar pregnancy is usually diagnosed early in pregnancy due to bleeding, abnormal features in ultrasound scan and higher than usual levels of the pregnancy hormone, hCG.
  • The cause of molar pregnancy is unknown, but risk factors include maternal age of less than 20 years or more than 40 years.
  • If promptly treated, molar pregnancies are curable in 100 per cent of cases.
  • Molar pregnancy can persist (known as persistent GTD), so regular check-ups are needed.

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Reviewed on: 25-01-2024