Better Health Channel Department of Health Department of Health
  • Australians of all ages are not doing enough physical activity for optimal health. 
  • Over a third of the total burden of disease experienced by Australians could be prevented by tackling modifiable risk factors such as increasing your level of physical activity.
  • Physical inactivity is responsible for 2.5% of total diseases and 5.2% of total deaths in Australia.
  • The sedentary nature of our lifestyle can also lead to poorer health outcomes – around 90% of Australian children engage in screen-based activities (24% spend more than 20 hours and 40% spend between 10 and 19 hours on screen time each week).
  • National guidelines recommend Australian adults do 2 ½ to 5 hours of moderate intensity physical activity, or 1 ¼ to 2 ½ hours of vigorous intensity physical activity each week, or an equivalent combination.
  • It is also recommended that adults do muscle strengthening activities on at least 2 days per week.

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Reviewed on: 22-06-2023