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- Asbestos and your health
When asbestos fibres become airborne, people working with asbestos may inhale particles which remain in their lungs.
- Cadmium
Low-level exposure to cadmium over a long period of time may cause health effects because cadmium can accumulate in the body.
- Eye safety at work
Wearing eye protection appropriate for the task can significantly reduce the risk of injury.
- Q fever
People who work with animals, particularly cattle, sheep and goats, or animal products are at a higher risk of Q fever.
- Shiftwork
A person working the night shift is at greater risk of various disorders and accidents.
- Skin cancer - protecting outdoor workers
People who work outdoors are in one of the highest risk groups for skin cancer.
- Workplace safety - infection control
The spread of many pathogens in the workplace can be prevented with regular hand washing.
- Asthma and your workplace
Some industries are more likely to affect a person with asthma because of the triggers in the environment.
- Handwashing - Why it's important
Washing your hands with soap and warm water can help stop the spread of infectious diseases.
- Shiftwork
A person working the night shift is at greater risk of various disorders and accidents.
- Work-related stress
Work-related stress causes an increase in sick days and absenteeism, a higher turnover of staff and a drop in productivity.
- Cooking tips for busy people
If you lack the time or motivation to cook, try these tips.
- Lunch boxes - healthy shopping ideas (video)
Victorian State Public Health Nutritionist Veronica Graham takes us shopping for the right foods to include in your child's lunchbox.
- Lunch boxes - how to make them healthy (video)
Victorian State Public Health Nutritionist Veronica Graham shares three healthy and delicious lunchbox examples for the kids and provides some great food preparation tips to save you time throughout the week.
- Exercise and mental health
Research shows that people who exercise regularly have better mental health and emotional wellbeing, and lower rates of mental illness.
- Work-related stress
Work-related stress causes an increase in sick days and absenteeism, a higher turnover of staff and a drop in productivity.
- Computer-related injuries
Using a computer can contribute to problems of the muscles and joints, eye strain and overuse injuries of the arms, wrists and hands.
- Work-related fatalities
In 2013, 196 people lost their lives due to work-related accidents in Australia. Find out more about your industry and which organisations help to prevent work-related deaths in your workplace.
- Computer-related injuries
Using a computer can contribute to problems of the muscles and joints, eye strain and overuse injuries of the arms, wrists and hands.
- Physical activity - how to get active when you are busy
Even if you’re busy, you still need to find a way to be physically active.
- The dangers of sitting: why sitting is the new smoking
The less sitting or lying down you do during the day, the better your chances for living a healthy life.
- Work and your health
Work can provide satisfaction, but loss of a job or work-related problems can affect our physical, emotional and mental health.