Better Health Channel Department of Health Department of Health


safe steps is a service for women (and their children) experiencing violence and abuse from a partner or ex-partner, another family member or someone else close to them.

Services provided

  • Crisis support
  • Risk assessment
  • Safe house accommodation
  • Refuge accommodation
  • Outreach services
  • Safety planning
  • In-person support
  • Information about options, rights and entitlements
  • Advocacy with support services
  • Telephone support and information


Available to all women and children in Australia.

How to access

Call (toll free) 1800 015 188

The National Relay Service (NRS)External Link is available to help callers who are d/Deaf, or find it hard to hear or speak to hearing people on the phone.

The Translating and Interpreting Service (TIS National)External Link is available (24 hours, 7 days) for callers who speak other languages. Call 131 450.

safe steps will call you back with a telephone interpreter if you provide:

  • your number
  • your language
  • when it is safe to call.

If a woman you know is unable to speak English to give safe steps this information they can have someone ring safe steps on their behalf to set up the telephone call.


safe steps Family Violence Response Centre is a free service.


  • Family violence is unacceptable and can take many forms. It includes behaviour that is violent, threatening, intimidating or controlling and causes you and your children to be fearful. If you are feeling like this, call safe steps.
  • Nothing is so awful that it can’t be talked about.
  • If someone you tell doesn’t believe you, talk to someone else who will believe you and help you take action.


  • If you or your children are in danger, always call the police.
  • In an emergency, call triple zero (000).