Better Health Channel Department of Health Department of Health
  • If possible, arrange for help around the house in those first weeks after you return home with a newborn.
  • A maternal and child health nurse will contact you in the first week to arrange a home visit.
  • As your body mends, you will feel stronger and a healthy diet, gentle exercise and some time to yourself as a regular break will help your recovery.
  • Common issues after birth for mothers include bleeding, cramps, sore breasts or nipples and urination or bowel incontinence.
  • Plan ahead for contraception, even in the early weeks, to lower the chance of another pregnancy.
  • Contact your doctor or visit the emergency department if you or your baby show symptoms that don’t seem typical for the first few weeks after birth.
  • If you are worried that you or your partner might have postnatal depression, talk to your doctor or maternal and child health nurse, or call the PANDA helpline on 1300 726 306.

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Reviewed on: 28-02-2024