Read the full fact sheet- Dengue virus disease (dengue fever, or ‘dengue’) is a viral disease spread by mosquitoes in many tropical and subtropical parts of the world including Africa, Asia, South America and occasionally, some parts of northern Queensland.
- Symptoms include high temperature, headache, pain behind the eyes, joint and muscle pains, nausea, rash and malaise.
- There is no specific medical treatment and no vaccine – the best way to protect against dengue and other mosquito-borne diseases is to avoid mosquito bites.
- Seek medical attention immediately if you think you may have dengue.
On this page
Cause of dengue
Dengue is caused by infection with one of four closely related viruses known as DEN-1, DEN-2, DEN-3 and DEN-4. Infection with one serotype gives you lifelong immunity to that particular serotype of dengue virus. However, the infection does not offer immunity to the other three types, so it is possible to contract dengue again. A person who has had dengue once is at increased risk of experiencing more severe dengue symptoms if they get infected again.
Symptoms of dengue
The typical signs and symptoms of dengue may include:
- high temperature
- severe headache
- pain behind the eyes
- joint and muscle aches
- appetite loss
- nausea and vomiting
- generally feeling unwell (malaise)
- skin rash.
In most cases, symptoms resolve within one to two weeks.
Symptoms of severe dengue
Although rare in Australia, certain people can develop severe dengue infection. Babies, young children, and people who have had dengue more than once are at increased risk of this complication.
Warning signs of more severe dengue include the typical signs and symptoms in additional to some or all of the following:
- severe abdominal pain
- restlessness and fatigue
- persistent vomiting (which may include blood)
- shortness of breath
- nose bleeds and bleeding gums.
Most people who experience these symptoms recover fully. A small number of people who experience these symptoms will go on to have severe dengue which can include:
- severe bleeding
- extremely low blood pressure caused by blood loss (shock)
- coma
- death.
Where dengue commonly occurs
Dengue is common throughout tropical and subtropical areas of:
- Africa
- the Caribbean
- Central America
- Central Pacific
- China
- India
- the Middle East
- South America
- Southeast Asia
- the South Pacific.
Dengue in Australia
Cases of dengue occur in northern Queensland from time to time when travellers who have been infected overseas return and introduce the virus to the local mosquito population. To date, it isn’t as common as in other subtropical regions.
How dengue is spread
Dengue is not transmitted (spread) from person to person. Only infected mosquitoes transmit dengue. It is thought that the mosquito contracts the virus when it bites an infected person. The mosquito is then infectious for the rest of its life and can spread the virus every time it bites someone.
At least three different kinds of mosquito in Australia are suspected to be dengue carriers. They are Aedes aegypti, Aedes scutellaris and Aedes katherinensis. These mosquitoes are found in northern Queensland, the Northern Territory and northern Western Australia. They are not found in Victoria.
Avoid mosquito bites and avoid dengue in commonly affected areas
Protect yourself against mosquito bites to avoid dengue (and other mosquito-borne diseases) in dengue-affected areas. Suggestions include:
- Wear socks and light coloured, long pants and long-sleeved shirts. Loose fitting clothing makes it harder for mosquitoes to bite you through your clothes.
- Wear mosquito repellent that contains the active constituents DEET (diethyltoluamide) or picaridin. Reapply regularly and make sure you follow directions for safe use on the label. (For kids, it can be safer to spray insect repellent on their clothes rather than their skin.)
- Apply insect repellent first thing in the morning because dengue mosquitoes bite during the day, both outdoors and inside homes and buildings.
- Apply a product, such as permethrin, to your clothes or bedding.
- Use a bed net (mosquito net).
- Stay in air-conditioned accommodation with flyscreens on the windows.
Diagnosis of dengue
See a doctor immediately if you think you may have dengue virus. Early diagnosis is important to reduce the risk of complications and avoid further spread of the virus.
Your doctor will ask about your medical history, including any travel, and will do a physical examination. Blood tests are required to diagnose dengue.
Treatment for dengue
There is no specific treatment for dengue virus. Medical care aims to manage the symptoms and reduce the risk of complications while the person recovers. Most cases of uncomplicated dengue virus resolve fully within one to two weeks.
During this time, your doctor may advise:
- bed rest
- plenty of fluids
- medication to reduce fever, such as paracetamol (do not take aspirin because of its blood-thinning properties).
Hospital admission is usually required if the person develops warning signs of more severe dengue. Treatment for these complications may include intravenous fluids and replacement of lost electrolytes.
Where to get help
- Your GP (doctor)
- Smartraveller
- Nurse-on-Call Tel. 1300 60 60 24 – for expert health information and advice (24 hours, 7 days)
- Mosquito borne disease and dengue, Queensland Health, Queensland Government.
- Dengue fever, National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, National Institutes of Health, USA.
- Mosquitoes can carry diseases, Better Health Channel, Victorian Government.
- Dengue virus disease, Department of Health, Victorian Government.
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