Better Health Channel Department of Health Department of Health
  • Keep hot drinks and pot handles out of reach of children.
  • Never leave children alone in the bathroom or kitchen. 
  • If a child is burned, apply immediate first aid by placing the burn under cool running water for a minimum of 20 minutes. 
  • Dial triple zero (000) for an ambulance if the injury is severe. 
  • Do not use butter, oils, ointments or ice to treat burns as these can further damage the skin.
  • The best way to prevent scalds in the bathroom is to reduce the delivery temperature of the hot tap water at the basin, bath and shower to 50ºC. By law, all new hot water systems now have this setting. 
  • The recommended bathing temperature for young children is 37 to 38ºC.

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Reviewed on: 08-07-2019