Better Health Channel Department of Health Department of Health
  • Young people can feel sad and worried about life events such as exams, fights with family or friends, changing schools or moving house.
  • If the feelings of sadness go on for weeks or months and affect everyday life, the young person may have depression.
  • Symptoms of depression in young people include feeling grumpy, having trouble sleeping, feeling worthless or guilty, eating more or less than usual and gaining or losing weight.
  • There is no single cause of depression, but it can develop from life events, genetic dispositions, hormones, or any combination of those factors.
  • Encourage young people to talk about how they feel with someone they know and trust such as a parent, teacher, school counsellor, family member or friend.
  • An important next step is for the young person to visit a doctor to learn about depression and how it is treated.

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Reviewed on: 01-03-2022