Better Health Channel Department of Health Department of Health
  • Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a chronic, autoimmune disease that attacks the central nervous system (the brain, spinal cord and optic nerves).
  • There are different types of MS.
  • The progress, severity and specific symptoms of MS cannot be predicted.
  • Everyone experiences MS differently, depending on where attacks to the central nervous system occur and the type of MS they have.
  • Symptoms can be visible or invisible to others.
  • MS is a lifelong disease for which a cure is yet to be found. However, doctors and scientists are making discoveries about the treatment and management of MS every day.
  • Medications for MS can be used to ease specific symptoms, to treat relapses or modify the progress of the disease.
  • There are lifestyle changes you can make that will improve your overall health while living with MS.
  • MS is a complex disease. It is best, where possible, to seek support and advice from healthcare professionals that specialise in MS.

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Reviewed on: 15-06-2021