Better Health Channel Department of Health Department of Health
  • Kinship care is the care provided by relatives or a member of a child's social network when a child cannot live with their parents.
  • Kinship care can either be a statutory care arrangement, where a court has ordered it, or it can be a private arrangement agreed upon by the people involved.
  • Kinship care is the preferred type of out-of-home care for children and young people in Victoria. It is the fastest-growing form of out-of-home care in Victoria.
  • Kinship carers need different support to other types of out-of-home carers, due to their unique circumstances as relatives or close friends of both the parents and the child needing care.
  • The Victorian Government funds kinship care services to improve the support available for children growing up in kinship care.

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Reviewed on: 12-07-2023