Better Health Channel Department of Health Department of Health
  • You can start talking to your children about drugs from an early age, this sets you up for ongoing conversations with your young person as they move through to their teen years.
  • Always consider what is age-appropriate information for your child.
  • Explain what drugs are, their functions, and which drugs are harmful or illegal.
  • Stick to the facts. If you exaggerate the harms or dangers you will sound less knowledgeable.
  • It will take time for your child to really understand the risks of drug use.
  • Other people (particularly peers) will talk to your child about drugs, so it is important to learn what your child knows, encourage them to ask questions, and clear up any misconceptions.
  • Your child will form attitudes about drug use from what they see at home, among their friends and in the media.

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Reviewed on: 02-11-2022