Better Health Channel


A personal trainer is a fitness professional who helps people to identify their personal health and fitness goals, designs exercise and fitness programs, and educates and motivates people to help them to safely and effectively reach their health and fitness goals.

Services provided

  • Fitness assessment
  • Health and fitness goal identification
  • Design of tailored exercise and fitness programs
  • Instruction in how to safely perform exercises
  • Health and fitness progress monitoring
  • Adjustment of health and fitness programs in response to changing fitness level
  • Lifestyle and basic nutrition advice


Appointments with a personal trainer may be made directly.

How to access

To find a personal trainer:


The cost of a personal trainer varies depending on the provider. Contact the personal trainer before you attend if you would like more information about cost.






Personal trainers are not required to be registered with a health and fitness industry association. Personal trainers may choose to register with AUSactive (Australia’s peak health and fitness industry association) or Physical Activity Australia (fitness registration body).

Minimum qualifications

The minimum education requirement for a registered personal trainer is a Certificate IV in Fitness, a Diploma of Fitness or an Exercise Science or Human Movement degree.



  • Ask for proof that the personal trainer is registered with an industry association. This will signify that they are qualified and competent, hold current first aid certification, are licenced to practice as a professional personal trainer, and that their ongoing professional development is being tracked.
  • Ask for proof that the personal trainer holds public liability and professional indemnity insurance.
