Better Health Channel Department of Health Department of Health
  • The word ‘autism’ refers to autism spectrum disorder (ASD), including Asperger syndrome.
  • ASD can affect a person’s ability to interact with the world around them and lead to repetitive behaviours or a narrow range of interests and activities.
  • It can be hard to understand why people on the autism spectrum behave the way they do. Try to remember that the world can be a very confusing place for them and the best way to help is to be supportive and caring.
  • Asperger Syndrome is now classified under the single umbrella term, ASD.
  • There is no cure for ASD, but by getting advice early and working with your healthcare professional, you can give your child the best possible chance of fulfilling their potential
  • Amaze is funded to help individuals on the autism spectrum, their families and carers who need information about Autism Spectrum Disorder and to understand what supports are available in Victoria. The Amaze InfoLine operates 9am to 5pm Monday to Friday (except public holidays) 1300 308 699

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Reviewed on: 18-09-2015