Better Health Channel Department of Health Department of Health
  • The Victorian Government delivers mental health services and there are private mental health providers, not-for-profits and community organisations that also provide services.
  • There are three main categories of mental health services: adult mental health services, child and adolescent mental health services, and aged persons mental health services.
  • The Victorian Government offers a number of mental health services to help bridge the gap between in-hospital care and living in the community, including the Acute Community Intervention Service (ACIS) and community care units (CCUs).
  • A range of specialist mental health services is available across Victoria for people with special needs, including those with brain disorders, drug dependencies, family issues and dual disabilities.
  • The Victorian Government provides community-based and inpatient mental health services for children and adolescents with behavioural difficulties, emotional health problems, emerging personality difficulties, and severe mental illness.
  • Aged Persons Mental Health (APMH) nursing homes and hostels care for people who cannot be managed in mainstream aged care residential services and acute aged care services provide short-term management and treatment during an acute phase of a mental illness.

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Reviewed on: 18-09-2015