Better Health Channel Department of Health Department of Health
  • Whichever home you choose, it will take some time to adjust to a new way of life. 
  • Many residential aged care homes have lifestyle and leisure staff whose job it is to organise social and recreational activities. How often you get involved is up to you.
  • Living in a residential aged care home is no different to living in your own home, you can come and go as often as you please, visit friends, go shopping or attend sporting events as long as your health allows. You choose how you will manage your money. You may want to take care of it yourself or you may want to ask a family member to manage your finances through a power of attorney or enduring power of attorney.
  • You can prepare an advance care plan so that if you become seriously ill, your family will be able to organise medical treatment for you that is in line with your wishes.
  • Give the name of the executor of your will to your residential aged care home so they have it on hand if they need it. The executor of your will can finalise any accounts and organise any repayments to your estate. 

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Reviewed on: 14-10-2015