Better Health Channel Department of Health Department of Health
  • The Commonwealth Government is responsible for the provision of residential aged care services.
  • Residential aged care services are delivered by a range of providers including not-for-profit, private and public sector organisations.
  • Residential aged care homes provide health and support services. This includes regulation for quality of care standards and funding under the Aged Care Act 1997.
  • Many residential aged care homes have palliative care services while others have partnerships with dedicated palliative care units.
  • Residential aged care homes provide continuous supported care ranging from help with daily tasks and personal care to 24-hour nursing care. respite care and palliative care services.
  • Contact the Aged Care Assessment Service (ACAS) to apply for a place in a residential aged care home.
  • Before you decide on a residential aged care home, talk to the staff about how they control the quality of their services and deal with different situations that may affect you in the future.
  • To make a complaint about a residential aged care home, call the Aged Care Complaints Scheme 1800 550 552 or write to GPO Box 9848, Melbourne Victoria 3001.

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Reviewed on: 15-10-2015