Administration of cosmetic procedures by an unregistered person can greatly increase the risk of something going wrong. So before you begin, make sure you understand everything that's going to happen. This video is in Mandarin
1 - 让我们来谈谈整容手术。
2 - 要理解的主要问题是,像每个医疗手术一样,风险总是存在的。
3 - 肉毒杆菌素或皮下填充剂等美容注射剂是处方药,这意味着只有经过咨询才能由注册医生开具处方,以确保这些注射剂对你来说是安全的。
4 - 由不具备资质的人员开具处方会大大增加出错的风险。
5 - 询问诊所是否具有正式的手术资质,并且注射剂是否是正品,而不是一些廉价的仿制品。
6 - 要寻找一名注册医生,请访问
7 - 要了解有关整容手术注意事项的更多信息,请访问
Better Health Channel网站并搜索美容注射剂。
Let’s talk about cosmetic procedures.
You know, injectables, fillers and stuff like that.
The main thing to understand is that like every medical procedure there are always risks involved. And sometimes these risks can be serious or even life threatening.
Cosmetic injections like Botox or dermal fillers are prescription only medicines and that means they can only be prescribed by a registered medical practitioner. following consultation to ensure these injectables are safe for you. and are best administered in a facility where a medical practitioner is on site.
Administration by an unregistered person can greatly increase the risk of something going wrong.
So before you begin, make sure you talk with a registered medical practitioner and understand everything that’s going to happen.
Ask if the clinic is a properly appointed surgery and that the injectables are genuine and not some cheap imitation.
And finally Make sure there’s going to be a registered medical practitioner the whole time.
To find a registered practitioner go to
To find out more about the do’s and don’ts around cosmetic procedures go to the Better Health Channel website and search cosmetic injectables.