Better Health Channel Department of Health Department of Health

We encourage other sites to link to the Better Health Channel, but please note the following conditions:

  • A link to the Better Health Channel cannot be used for commercial purposes without our permission.
  • It cannot be used to imply endorsement, approval or sponsorship of your website, your advertisers, your organisation, your products or services.
  • All links to the Better Health Channel must be available free of charge, that is, not placed within a fee-based subscription area of your website. If this isn’t possible, it should be clearly stated that the Better Health Channel is a free service provided by the Victorian (Australia) Government.
  • Any link to the Better Health Channel must be removed upon request.

1. Linking to the Better Health Channel homepage
Simply cut and paste the following HTML code into your web page:">
Better Health Channel

2. Linking to individual pages
Linking to a Better Health Channel fact sheet or other page is easy. Simply cut and paste the relevant HTML code that appears at the very bottom of each fact sheet and paste into your web page.

Describing the Better Health Channel

If you would like to include a description of the Better Health Channel, here’s some simple text to add to your links:

The Better Health Channel provides online consumer focused health and medical information. All information is quality-assured, reliable and regularly reviewed. Better Health Channel content is developed in consultation with content partners – reputable health organisations with specialised knowledge in a particular topic area.

We encourage other sites to link to the Better Health Channel, but please note the following conditions:

  • A link to the Better Health Channel cannot be used for commercial purposes without our permission.
  • It cannot be used to imply endorsement, approval or sponsorship of your website, your advertisers, your organisation, your products or services.
  • All links to the Better Health Channel must be available free of charge, that is, not placed within a fee-based subscription area of your website. If this isn’t possible, it should be clearly stated that the Better Health Channel is a free service provided by the Victorian (Australia) Government.
  • Any link to the Better Health Channel must be removed upon request.

1. Linking to the Better Health Channel homepage
Simply cut and paste the following HTML code into your web page:">
Better Health Channel

2. Linking to individual pages
Linking to a Better Health Channel fact sheet or other page is easy. Simply cut and paste the relevant HTML code that appears at the very bottom of each fact sheet and paste into your web page.

Describing the Better Health Channel

If you would like to include a description of the Better Health Channel, here’s some simple text to add to your links:

The Better Health Channel provides online consumer focused health and medical information. All information is quality-assured, reliable and regularly reviewed. Better Health Channel content is developed in consultation with content partners – reputable health organisations with specialised knowledge in a particular topic area.

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Reviewed on: 03-03-2020