Better Health Channel Department of Health Department of Health
  • The lymphatic system is our body’s ‘sewerage system’.
  • It maintains fluid levels in our body tissues by removing all fluids that leak out of our blood vessels.
  • The lymphatic system is important for the optimal functioning of our general and specific immune responses.
  • The lymph nodes monitor the lymph flowing into them and produce cells and antibodies which protect our body from infection and disease.
  • The spleen and thymus are lymphatic organs that monitor the blood and detect and respond to pathogens and malignant cells.
  • The lymphatic system plays an important role in the absorption of fats from the intestine.
  • When the lymphatic system is not formed well or has been damaged by surgery, radiotherapy or tissue damage, a swelling of a part of the body may occur (most commonly the legs or arms). When this swelling lasts more than about three months it is called lymphoedema. 
  • When it’s not functioning well the lymphatic system may have a role in obesity, Crohn’s disease and other disorders.

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Reviewed on: 19-07-2017