Be aware out there.
There is one thing you can always expect to encounter off-road. The unexpected.
The only way to prepare for the unexpected is to be aware….
Aware of the conditions and terrain.
Aware of the condition and performance of your bike and protective gear.
Aware of your own limitations and abilities, and of those you are with.
Aware that being alert could be the difference between having a great day and having a problem.
Prepare, take care and be aware out there.
Off-road motorcycle riding is a popular outdoor lifestyle activity in Victoria. Although riding styles and environments vary, off-road riding can be dangerous.
Since 2019, Victoria has recorded 33 fatalities among off-road motorcycle riders. For every off-road fatality there are hundreds of injuries.
But off-road motorcycle riding injuries and fatalities are preventable.
Be aware out there videos.
Prepare, take care and be aware out there.
Be aware of your gear.
- For best protection wear all the gear, all the time.
- Make sure you have a good fitting helmet, body armour and all the right protective gear - even if you're only practicing or riding short trips.
Be aware of your bike.
- Prepare your bike for the weather and riding conditions, to be safer out there.
- Check your headlights and brake lights work, that you have good tread on your tyres, and your throttle doesn’t stick.
- Check your tyre pressure, that your brake pads have of plenty of life and fork seals are not leaking.
- Ensure you bike is registered, even if you only ride recreationally and offroad.
Be aware of the conditions.
- Make it a great ride but also make it home to tell your mates about it.
- Know the track, nail the ride.
- You can protect yourself when you anticipate and avoid obstacles. Stay alert for changing and hazardous conditions.
- If you're a beginner, practice and try to ride with an experienced rider who can show you the ropes and guide you on unfamiliar trails.
- Check the local weather and to see if conditions are safe where you’re planning to ride.
Take care out there.
- Anything can happen out there. Remember to bring snacks and water.
- Even if you’re going for a short ride, let people know where you’re headed.
- Be ready for off-grid rides. Keep your phone charged up and use a Personal Locator Beacon and a bring first aid kit in case you, or a mate, needs help.
- Place your Crash in your helmet – so if you are in trouble, emergency services can help when they arrive.
Support off-road riders to be safer out there.
The Department of Health has developed an off-road rider safety campaign to promote safer riding behaviours to reduce the number of preventable off-road riding injuries and fatalities.
If you’re an off-road riding association, motorcycle gear retailer or just love off-road riding – you can play a part.
Download and share our communications assets to encourage more off-road riders to be safer out
Learn more about safer off-road riding
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About this campaign
The Department of Health launched an Off-Road Motorcycle Rider Safety campaign to reduce off-road motorcycle rider fatalities and injuries. The campaign was developed by the department in response to the Victorian Coroners Court recommendation, following the tragic death of a young woman on a private property in 2017. This campaign was developed in partnership with off-road motorcycle organisations, riders and affiliated organisations to promote key safety behaviours, in different riding environments, to engage and resonate with the broad off-road riding community.
Campaign toolkit
The Department of Health off-road motorcycle safety campaign was developed in partnership with the following organisations and associations.
- Motorcycle Victoria Association, Victorian Motorcycle
- Australian Motorcycle Trail Riders Assoc
- Sport and Recreation Victoria
- Parks
- Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning
- Agriculture
- National Centre for Farmer Health
- Victorian Farmers
- Worksafe
- Department of Transport
- Transport Accident Commission
- Department of Justice and Community Safety
- Victoria
- Ambulance
- Victorian Coroners Court Prevention
- Monash University Accident Research Centre
Reviewed on: 18-10-2024