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Viewing 1-10 of 991 results
- Children's feet and shoes
A child learning to walk receives important sensory information from the soles of their feet, and shoes can make walking more difficult.
- Children’s Health and Wellbeing Locals
Children’s Health and Wellbeing Locals provide health and wellbeing support for children aged zero to 11 and their families and carers.
- Children's diet - fruit and vegetables
If you eat and enjoy fruit and vegetables every day, your child may eventually follow your lead.
- Osteoporosis in children
Osteoporosis in children is rare and usually caused by an underlying medical condition.
- Children and vomiting
Mild vomiting is normal in most babies and improves over time.
- Children and shyness
If your child's shyness is especially debilitating, you may like to consider professional help from a counsellor or psychologist.
- Epilepsy in children
Children with epilepsy generally have seizures that respond well to medication, and they enjoy a normal and active childhood.
- Grief and children
It can be difficult to talk to a child about death, but it is important to be honest with them.
- Constipation and children
A healthy diet, plenty of fluids, exercise and regular toilet habits can help relieve constipation in children
- Gastroenteritis in children
Gastroenteritis is common in young children and spreads easily. See your doctor if your child is vomiting often, not drinking, showing signs of dehydration or has blood in their poo.