Be a Soapy Hero!
Hand hygiene for better health in schools
- The creation of healthy habits during childhood is important to ensure lifelong healthy decisions and actions. It will also help build healthy habits into the future.
- Practise good hand hygiene – using soap and water is one of the most important ways to reduce the spread of infectious disease.
- Get kids involved with ‘Soapy Hero’ training to help keep classmates, family and friends healthy and stop the spread of dangerous infectious diseases.
Information for parents and guardians
An outbreak of an infectious disease, such as gastro and the flu can significantly impact a school community and make children very sick.
There are a few ways to help your child stay healthy at school:
- talk to them about the importance of hand washing
- make sure they know how to wash their hands properly – use our ‘Soapy Hero’ resources to help
- check if your school provides soap in the student toilets.
Soapy Hero training steps
- WET your hands with water
- RUB soap all over your hands for as long as it takes to sing “Happy Birthday” twice
- RINSE the soap off your hands
- DRY your hands with a clean towel, paper towel or under a hand dryer.
Always wash your hands with soap and running water:
- after going to the toilet
- before and after eating
- after coughing, sneezing or blowing your nose
- after touching pets and other animals
- whenever your hands look dirty.
Information for teachers
The Department of Education and and the Department of are working together with schools to help improve hand hygiene and reduce the spread of infectious diseases among primary school children.
Infectious diseases, such as gastro and the flu can spread quickly in the school community.
Schools can reduce teacher and student absences caused by the spread of infectious diseases by:
- providing soap in staff and student toilets
- teaching students how to wash their hands properly.
Use our resources to help teach students about how to wash their hands properly and become a ‘Soapy Hero’.
Related information
- Handwashing - why its important
- Personal hygiene
- Flu
- Gastroenteritis in children
- Immunisation
- Department of Education and Training - Personal
Poster - Gerry lives in gross places
Poster - Soapy Hero training steps
Soapy Hero certificate
Soapy Hero colouring sheet
Soapy Hero lesson plan handout
Reviewed on: 03-03-2021