Better Health Channel Department of Health Department of Health

Viewing 21-30 of 118 results

  1. Clinical geneticist

    A clinical geneticist provides gene testing and genetic counselling.

  2. Clinical residential rehabilitation services (community care units)

    Clinical residential rehabilitation services are for people with a serious mental illness.

  3. Cognitive, Dementia and Memory Service

    The CDAMS provides diagnosis and referrals to those experiencing memory loss and decreased cognition.

  4. Community health centres

    Community health centres operate across Victoria and offer a range of community health services to local residents.

  5. Conversations Matter

    Conversations Matter is an online resource to help discuss suicide.

  6. Counselling Online

    Counselling Online is a free online alcohol and drug counselling service.

  7. Counsellor

    Counsellors use talk-based therapy to help people who have personal concerns such as relationship issues, grief, substance abuse or anxiety.

  8. Dementia Australia

    Dementia Australia provides information and support for people with Alzheimer’s disease and their carers.

  9. Dementia Behaviour Management Advisory Service

    DBMAS works to improve the lives of people with dementia whose behaviour is affecting their care.

  10. Dental Health Services Victoria

    Dental Health Services Victoria provides Victorians with quality oral healthcare.