Better Health Channel Department of Health Department of Health

Viewing 1341-1350 of 2283 results

  1. Mosquitoes - mozzie-proof your holiday checklist

    Use this simple checklist and take action to prevent mosquitoes from spoiling your holiday. Mosquitoes can carry diseases be prepared and avoid mosquito bites.

  2. Mosquitoes - protect your home checklist

    Use this simple checklist and take action to prevent mosquitoes from entering your home. The best protection from mosquito-borne diseases is to avoid mosquito bites.

  3. Mosquitoes can carry diseases

    You can reduce the risk of mosquito bites if you get rid of potential mosquito breeding sites around your home.

  4. Motion sickness

    Motion sickness may occur in anyone, but some people are particularly sensitive.

  5. Motor neurone disease (MND)

    Motor neurone disease (MND) is also called amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) and Lou Gehrig's disease. MND is a rapidly progressing, neurological disease. Motor neurones are nerve cells that control the voluntary muscles of the trunk and limbs, and affect speech, swallowing and breathing. Damage to these nerves causes muscle weakness and wasting. People with MND become increasingly disabled, and may lose speech, have difficulty swallowing and eventually die from respiratory (breathing) failure.

  6. Motor neurone disease (MND) - help with daily activities

    People with motor neurone disease can keep some independence and quality of life with the right help.

  7. Motor neurone disease (MND) - independence at home

    A person with motor neurone disease may have difficulty with everyday items in their home.

  8. Motor neurone disease (MND) - personal care

    Problems using the toilet and bathroom can be stressful for both the person with motor neurone disease and their carer.

  9. Motor neurone disease (MND) - recreation and leisure

    Recreation and leisure are very important for everyone, especially for people with limited activity.

  10. Mould and your health

    The way to control indoor mould growth is to control the source of moisture.