Better Health Channel

Viewing 1781-1790 of 2312 results

  1. Royal Children's Hospital Safety Centre

    The Royal Children's Hospital Community Information team (formerly Safety Centre) provides information and support to the community to help reduce injury and promote child safety.

  2. Rubella

    Rubella is a mild illness for most people, but very dangerous for pregnant women and their babies.

  3. Rugby codes - health benefits

    People of all ages and abilities can get involved in rugby codes through clinics and modified rules games.

  4. Rugby codes - preventing injury

    A high proportion of injuries associated with rugby occur during the tackle.

  5. Running and jogging - health benefits

    Running helps build strong bones, strengthens muscles and helps maintain a healthy weight.

  6. Running and jogging - preventing injury

    Warm up before running and do lots of slow and sustained stretches as part of your cool-down routine.

  7. Rural and regional healthcare

    Some rural patients have to travel to regional centres or metropolitan areas for the healthcare they need. The Victorian Patient Transport Assistance Scheme can subsidise travel and accommodation costs.

  8. Rural Financial Counselling Victoria

    Rural Financial Counselling Victoria provides confidential, independent financial assessment and support for farming families and small rural businesses facing financial difficulty.

  9. Rural issues - alcohol and depression

    Self-medicating with alcohol doesn't solve the causes of depression, which is common in rural communities.

  10. Rural issues - coping with stress

    Farming life and work can be hectic and stressful.