Better Health Channel

Viewing 251-260 of 2312 results

  1. Boils

    Some areas of the body are more susceptible to boils, including the face, throat, armpits, groin and buttocks.

  2. Bolton Clarke healthcare service

    The Bolton Clarke healthcare service provides nursing care for people living at home along with residential and healthcare support.

  3. Bone cancer

    Bone cancer can develop as either a primary cancer, meaning that the cancer started in the bones, or a secondary cancer, meaning that the cancer started somewhere else and spread to the bones.

  4. Bone density testing

    Most procedures that measure bone density are quick and pain-free.

  5. Bone fractures

    Common sites for bone fractures include the wrist, ankle and hip.

  6. Bone marrow

    Bone marrow is the spongy tissue in the hollow centres of a person?s long bones and is the blood cell 'factory'.

  7. Bones

    The adult skeleton is made up of 206 bones, which provide the structure for our bodies

  8. Bones, muscles and joints

    Information and links to factsheets about bone disorders, osteoporosis, muscles, joint conditions, back, prevention and management.

  9. Borderline personality disorder

    People with borderline personality disorder may exhibit extreme behaviour, such as repeated self-mutilation or taking overdoses of medication.

  10. Bottle feeding - nutrition and safety

    Breastmilk or commercial infant formula is necessary for all babies less than 12 months.