Viewing 691-700 of 2208 results
- Epilepsy and exercise
It is rare for a person with epilepsy to have a seizure during physical activity, but you should always take safety precautions when exercising.
- Epilepsy and learning
Epilepsy is a common condition of the brain in which people experience recurrent unprovoked seizures. Most people living with epilepsy progress well as learners through primary and secondary school, further education and training.
- Epilepsy in children
Children with epilepsy generally have seizures that respond well to medication, and they enjoy a normal and active childhood.
- Erectile dysfunction
Common causes of erectile dysfunction include physical illness, anxiety and too much alcohol.
- Erythema nodosum
Erythema nodosum appears as red tender lumps, most commonly on the shins.
- Essential tremor
Essential tremor causes involuntary shaking or trembling of particular parts of the body, usually the head and hands, but it is not Parkinson's disease.
- European wasp
Unlike a bee, which can only sting once (and leaves the stinger behind in the skin), the European wasp can sting repeatedly.
- Evacuating with infants in an emergency - Advice for parents and carers
In an emergency, it is recommended that all infants and their carers evacuate early or immediately when advised by emergency services.
- Excessive sleepiness
Hypersomnia means excessive sleepiness - it can have a number of different causes.
- Exercise - everyday activities
There are lots of everyday activities that provide an opportunity to be active and provide health benefits.