Viewing 721-730 of 2208 results
- Eyes - common problems
You can help prevent dry eyes and minimise the risk of tired or sore eyes while reading or using a computer.
- Eyes - contact lenses
Proper care of your contact lenses will help avoid irritation or damage to your eyes.
- Eyes - flash burns
Flash burns are like sunburn in the eye and can affect both your eyes. Find out more.
- Eyes - giant cell arteritis
Giant cell arteritis is inflammation of the arteries that can cause sudden blindness in one or both eyes.
- Eyes - glaucoma
Glaucoma can happen at any age and without early detection can lead to permanent vision loss and blindness.
- Eyes - laser eye surgery
During laser eye surgery, a computer-controlled laser is used to remove microscopic amounts of tissue from the front surface of the eye.
- Eyes - optic neuritis
Optic neuritis is inflammation of the optic nerve that causes blurred, grey and dim vision.
- Eyes - retinitis pigmentosa
Retinitis pigmentosa is the collective name for a range of diseases that damage the retina and cause vision to deteriorate.
- Eyes - trachoma
A clean face and clean environment are the best protection against trachoma.
- Eyes - uveitis
Iritis can cause vision problems if it is not treated.