Better Health Channel

Viewing 611-620 of 1011 results

  1. Menopause management

    Menopause is when you have your final period. There are different ways to manage menopausal symptoms, depending on their severity.

  2. Menstrual cycle

    The menstrual cycle is complex and is controlled by many different glands and the hormones that these glands produce.

  3. Mental health conditions - family and friends

    You can do a lot to help your friend or relative with a mental illness, but you need to look after yourself too.

  4. Mental health laws and compulsory patients

    If you are a compulsory patient under the Mental Health Act, you have rights and there are people who can help you.

  5. Mental health services - case managers and key clinicians

    A case manager or key clinician looks after your interests while you are a client of public (government) mental health services.

  6. Mental health treatment plans

    A mental health treatment plan explains the support provided by each member of a person's healthcare team.

  7. Mental illness and violence

    People with a mental illness who are receiving effective treatment are no more violent than anyone else in the community.

  8. Mental illness treatments

    The correct treatment for mental illness can help a person?s condition to improve or help a person to live well, despite the presence of some ongoing symptoms.

  9. Mesothelioma

    Mesothelioma is a rare type of cancer that can develop decades after exposure to asbestos.

  10. Metabolic syndrome

    Metabolic syndrome is a collection of conditions that can increase your risk of diabetes, stroke and heart disease.