Better Health Channel

Viewing 881-890 of 1011 results

  1. Teeth development in children

    Teething symptoms are common in children and can be managed without medications.

  2. Teeth grinding

    Teeth grinding (bruxism) is involuntary clenching or grinding of the teeth, usually during sleep.

  3. Tendinopathy (Tendonitis)

    Most cases of tendonitis recover completely, but severe untreated tendonitis can lead to rupture of the tendon.

  4. Testicle injuries and conditions

    If you injure your testicles, always seek urgent medical advice.

  5. Testicular cancer

    Early diagnosis and treatment can cure almost all cases of testicular cancer.

  6. Testicular self examination

    Men with an increased risk of testicular cancer should regularly examine their testicles for unusual lumps or swellings.

  7. Testing for COVID-19

    How to get a test for COVID-19 in Victoria.

  8. Thalassaemia

    Thalassaemia is an inherited blood disorder that can cause anaemia or death if not treated.

  9. Throat cancer

    Risk factors for throat cancer include smoking or chewing tobacco, drinking alcohol and Human papillomavirus (HPV).

  10. Thumb sucking

    Finger or thumb sucking should stop before school age to avoid mouth problems.