Better Health Channel

Viewing 371-380 of 600 results

  1. Parenting support to help prevent abuse

    There is a range of non-government agencies available to help families under stress in caring for their children.

  2. Parenting when you’re a foster carer

    As a foster carer, you are providing a safe, supportive home for a child or young person who can’t live with their family of origin. You may face challenges that other parents don’t have to confront.

  3. Partying safely

    Partying can be fun, but you need to be aware of the risks, which can include accidents, robbery, violence and sexual assault.

  4. Partying safely and sex

    Partying is fun but being out of it on alcohol or drugs can put you at risk of unwanted or unsafe sex

  5. Partying safely at schoolies

    Every year, Year 12 students head to schoolies (leavers) to celebrate the end of school life. Includes alcohol and drug safety, tips, how to prepare, what to pack and what to do in an emergency.

  6. Partying safely – tips for parents

    With a few simple plans in place, a good time can be had by all at a teenage party – even the parents.

  7. Partying safely – tips for teenagers

    Don't advertise a party via SMS or the internet to limit the risk of gate-crashers and violent situations.

  8. Peer pressure

    Peer groups can be a very positive influence on your teenager's life.

  9. Pelvic inflammatory disease (PID)

    Information about pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) an infection that affects the female reproductive system. Includes causes, symptoms, diagnosis, risks, treatment, prevention and where to get help.

  10. Permanent care

    After experiencing abuse, neglect or rejection, many children are slow to put their trust in anyone.