Viewing 371-380 of 558 results
- Pregnancy - tests and scans
A range of tests and scans are available to pregnant women to confirm pregnancy and monitor the baby's development in the womb.
- Pregnancy - week by week
Pregnancy is divided into 3 trimesters and lasts around 40 weeks. Includes details of what happens each week from conception to birth, embryo size, baby development and where to get help.
- Pregnancy and birth - related emergencies
A medical emergency can happen at any time during pregnancy, labour and birth. Some emergencies can be life threatening for pregnant women and their babies.
- Pregnancy and diet
Good nutrition during pregnancy can help to keep you and your developing baby healthy.
- Pregnancy and exercise
Unless you have complications, you should be able to exercise throughout your pregnancy.
- Pregnancy and smoking
Smoking while pregnant exposes a woman and her unborn child to an increased risk of health problems.
- Pregnancy and teeth
It's important to look after your teeth and gums when you're pregnant, as gum disease can affect your baby.
- Pregnancy and travel
Travelling to developing nations is not encouraged during pregnancy, due to the risk of disease and the standard of medical facilities.
- Pregnancy and your mental health
Pregnancy and new parenthood are full of emotions – some good and some not so good. Just remember, you are not alone and there are lots of places to get support for your mental health.
- Pregnancy stages and changes
It’s helpful to have an idea of how your body may react to the different stages of pregnancy. It also helps to know how pregnancy may affect your emotions and feelings.