Viewing 141-150 of 258 results
- Older people in hospital - Health assessments
Older people in hospital will have hospital staff perform regular health checks and assessments during their stay.
- Older people in hospital - Medication
When staying in hospital, older people need to tell hospital staff about all the medications they take, both prescription and over the counter.
- Older people in hospital - Mind and mood
Older people’s mood and mental health can be affected by staying in hospital. Ill health and medication can contribute to feeling depressed.
- Older people in hospital - Pain management
If older people experience pain during a hospital stay it can affect their mood, and ability to move around and think clearly. Pain can be managed.
- Older people in hospital - Preventing falls
Older people have a higher risk of falls and injuries from falls, and this especially true during a hospital stay.
- Older people in hospital - Skin care and preventing pressure sores
Skin thins with age and can become very weak. Older people in hospital can be vulnerable to skin tears and pressure injuries. Skin care is important.
- Older people in hospital - Staying active
Older people need to stay active during a hospital stay. This includes changing position in bed, getting out of bed and walking around.
- Older people in hospital - Swallowing problems
Older people may experience swallowing problems, called dysphagia, during a hospital stay. Finding the cause can help treat or manage it.
- Overdose - what to do in an emergency
If you are worried about your alcohol or drug use or, call DirectLine on 1800 888 236 for counselling, information and referral, or speak with your local doctor.
- Overdue babies
Only about 5 per cent of pregnant women actually give birth on the exact date they are due.