Better Health Channel

Viewing 51-60 of 260 results

  1. Different stages of caring

    Carer roles can change, for example, from part-time to full-time care and back as a person’s care needs change.

  2. Disability and aged care

    For older people living with a disability, it can be hard to manage household chores and day-to-day tasks without support. Here are some support services that can help.

  3. Disability and sexuality

    Sexuality is a key part of human nature. Expressing sexuality in satisfying ways is important for everyone, including people with a disability. Some people with disability may need additional support, education or services to enjoy healthy sexuality and relationships.

  4. Disability groups and networks

    Connecting with other people who have a disability and their families can be a good way of getting informal advice and support.

  5. Disability Liaison Officer program

    Disability Liaison Officers (DLOs) based in health services across metropolitan and regional Victoria provide support for people with disability to access healthcare.

  6. Disability rights, discrimination and the law

    If you feel that your human rights have been violated or that you have been discriminated against, you have the right to make a complaint.

  7. Disaster relief for national and state emergencies

    Information about disaster relief for national and state emergencies.

  8. Doctors (GP) – how to make a complaint

    If you feel uneasy about the conduct of your doctor, it may be a warning sign that something is wrong.

  9. Down syndrome and family support

    For a person with Down syndrome, being included in all aspects of family life can lead to a successful life within the community.

  10. Early signs and intervention with mental illness

    A range of services are available to assist you with mental health difficulties. Getting help early can reduce the severity of mental illness symptoms and the impact on people’s daily lives.