Better Health Channel

Viewing 71-80 of 260 results

  1. End of life and palliative care for people living with a disability

    End of life and palliative care for Victorians living with a disability can be provided at home, in specialist disability accommodation, in residential aged care or in an inpatient facility at a hospital.

  2. End of life and palliative care volunteers

    Some people prefer having palliative care at home because of the familiar environment, feeling of independence and close access to family, friends and the local community.

  3. Falls – services for older people

    Falls are a major cause of injury for older people. There are many services available to help prevent or recover from a fall.

  4. Family and child support services

    There are many government funded family support services available to help parents and young people deal with family issues.

  5. Family help for alcohol and drug addiction

    The stress and influence of harmful substance use on family relationships is significant but there is a range of support available to help families cope with drug or alcohol addiction problems.

  6. Financial considerations for end of life

    If you are terminally ill, there is financial support available for your care, health expenses and other everyday expenses.

  7. Financial support for carers

    The Australian and Victorian Governments offer carer support services to people who provide care to someone with a disability, mental illness, medical condition or older person with care needs.

  8. Finding reliable health information

    Trusted health information can be found through your local doctor or pharmacy and other reliable health providers.

  9. Finding your way around a hospital

    Finding your way around a hospital can be challenging. Use a hospital map to find the different departments, services and facilities.

  10. First days after birth

    The first few days after giving birth are a time for resting, looking after yourself and learning about your baby.