Better Health Channel Department of Health Department of Health
  • Transplantation is a surgical procedure in which an organ/s, tissue or group of cells are removed from one person (the donor) and transplanted into another person (the recipient), or moved from one site to another in the same person.
  • A skin graft is a common example of a transplant from one part of a person’s body to another part.
  • A transplant between two people can cause a rejection process where the immune system of the recipient or host attacks the foreign donor organ or tissue and destroys it.
  • To reduce the risk of rejection of the donated organ/s, the recipient will likely need to take immunosuppressive medication for the rest of their life.
  • Many different types of organs, tissue, and cells can be transplanted.
  • The approach to different types of transplantation varies greatly, so you should speak with your medical team about surgical procedures, recovery and medications.

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Reviewed on: 18-01-2023