As you prepare to leave hospital, you or your carer will already be planning what you need to know about your care outside of hospital, including day-to-day living and support, your medication, your recovery and rehabilitation, follow-up appointments and tests, and mobility and transport.
The following pages provide further information that can help you to plan your ongoing healthcare requirements, both immediate and longer-term.
Maintaining and tracking healthcare
Safe medication use
Find out how to use medication properly, so you can avoid problems such as unwanted effects and other adverse reactions...
Regular health checks
Regular health checks can help you identify any early signs of health issues...
Making plans and decisions for the end of your life
Planning and making decisions about the end of your life can be a positive experience. It is a good opportunity to reflect on the things that are important to you, and to make arrangements that suit...
Managing long-term illness and chronic conditions
Chronic condition management includes positive lifestyle factors like a healthy diet, regular exercise, good sleep and social support...
Managing your health
You can manage your health by learning about healthy living, taking steps to prevent disease and having regular health checks with your doctor...