Better Health Channel Department of Health Department of Health

Viewing 1451-1460 of 2264 results

  1. Osgood Schlatter syndrome

    Osgood-Schlatter syndrome is a painful knee condition that affects adolescents.

  2. Ostanite dobro ove zime (Stay well this winter - Croatian)

    Gripa i COVID cirkuliraju tijekom cijele godine, ali zimi se bolesti posebno lako šire. Možete se cijepiti protiv gripe i COVID-a u isto vrijeme.

  3. Osteoarthritis

    Many people will experience symptoms of osteoarthritis as they age.

  4. Osteomyelitis

    Osteomyelitis means an infection of bone which can either be recent or longstanding.

  5. Osteopath

    Osteopaths focus on how your skeleton, joints, muscles, nerves and circulation work together to maintain health and wellbeing.

  6. Osteopathy

    Osteopathy recognises the importance of the musculoskeletal system to a person?s health and wellbeing.

  7. Osteoporosis

    A healthy, calcium-rich diet and regular physical activity throughout life can help prevent osteoporosis.

  8. Osteoporosis and exercise

    Exercise can reduce the risk of fractures resulting from osteoporosis by both slowing the rate of bone loss, and reducing the person?s risk of falling by building muscle strength and improving balance.

  9. Osteoporosis in children

    Osteoporosis in children is rare and usually caused by an underlying medical condition.

  10. Osteoporosis in men

    Up to 25 per cent of all fractures that occur in people with osteoporosis and osteopenia, occur in men.