Better Health Channel

Viewing 1851-1860 of 2312 results

  1. Shy bladder syndrome

    Severe paruresis (fear of urinating in public) can affect a person's life in a similar way to agoraphobia.

  2. Sign language - Auslan

    Like any language, Auslan continues to evolve to meet the communication needs of people who are deaf.

  3. Single parenting

    In single-parent households, issues such as holidays or major family purchases are more likely to be decided with the children.

  4. Sinusitis

    If you suffer from sinusitis, it?s important to see if there is any trigger which can be treated.

  5. Siêu vi Corona - Coronavirus (COVID-19) - tiếng Việt (Vietnamese)

    Lời khuyên để kiểm soát và bảo vệ chống lại COVID-19.

  6. Sjogren’s syndrome

    Sjogren’s syndrome can be managed with medications and products such as artificial tears and saliva.

  7. Skin

    Information and fact sheets about skin, skin infections, skin cancer, eczema, skin conditions, skin irritation and wounds.

  8. Skin cancer

    Check all of your skin, not just sun-exposed areas. If you notice anything unusual, including any change in shape, colour or size of a spot, or the development of a spot, visit your doctor as soon as possible.

  9. Skin cancer - children

    Encourage your child to be SunSmart, whatever their age.

  10. Skin cancer - protecting outdoor workers

    People who work outdoors are in one of the highest risk groups for skin cancer.