Viewing 621-630 of 2213 results
- Doctors (GP) – how to make a complaint
If you feel uneasy about the conduct of your doctor, it may be a warning sign that something is wrong.
- Don't give up - manage lapses
Tips on how to change goals into habits.
- Donna, Lived Experience Manager, Geelong
Former radiographer Donna Matthews has experienced many mental health challenges as a result of trauma from early in her childhood. During a hospitalisation in her 30s, the kindness of a fellow mental health ward patient showed Donna she could make a difference to others experiencing challenges. She is now the lived experience manager at Barwon Health in Geelong and uses her powerful experiences to improve hospital systems, procedures and policies for others.
- Don’t let mealtimes become a food fight
Do you find yourself using excuses to get out of doing physical activity or eating healthily? Here are a few ideas to help you turn your excuse into action.
- Down syndrome
With the support and opportunities available to them today, most people with Down syndrome are able to achieve and participate as valued members of their community.
- Down syndrome and Alzheimer's
Studies of the brains of people with Down syndrome reveal that, by the age of 40, almost all develop the brain changes characteristic of Alzheimer's disease.
- Down syndrome and family support
For a person with Down syndrome, being included in all aspects of family life can lead to a successful life within the community.
- Down syndrome and health
There are a number of significant health and medical issues that are more common in people with Down syndrome.
- Dr Margaret's Story (video)
Access to vaccines has changed lives and protects our children from crippling diseases such as polio.
- Dr Margie Danchin (video)
Can a child's immune system be overloaded by immunisations? The answer is no. Talk to a qualified medical expert like your doctor to find out more about immunisation.