Better Health Channel

Viewing 791-800 of 1011 results

  1. Roseola infantum

    Roseola is a mild viral infection with associated fever and rash that affects babies and young children.

  2. Ross River virus infection

    Most people recover from Ross River virus disease, although some people have symptoms for a year or more

  3. Rotavirus

    Rotavirus is a common cause of viral gastroenteritis for Australian babies and preschool children.

  4. Rubella

    Rubella is a mild illness for most people, but very dangerous for pregnant women and their babies.

  5. Rural issues - alcohol and depression

    Self-medicating with alcohol doesn't solve the causes of depression, which is common in rural communities.

  6. Rối loạn căng thẳng sau chấn thương (Post-traumatic stress disorder - Vietnamese)

    Rối loạn căng thẳng sau chấn thương (PTSD) là một tập hợp các phản ứng có thể xuất hiện ở những người đã trải qua hoặc chứng kiến một sự kiện đau buồn đe dọa tính mạng hoặc sự an toàn của họ.

  7. Salpingitis

    Salpingitis is one of the most common causes of female infertility and may permanently damage the fallopian tubes.

  8. Sarcoidosis

    Sarcoidosis is not a cancer or any other sort of malignant tumour.

  9. Scabies

    If you have scabies, your sexual partners and household members need to be treated. More on symptoms, scabies rash, diagnosis, treatment, prevention and where to get help.

  10. Schizoaffective disorder

    Diagnosis of schizoaffective disorder may be difficult because the symptoms are similar to bipolar disorder and schizophrenia.