Better Health Channel Department of Health Department of Health

Viewing 961-970 of 1012 results

  1. Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome

    Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome is characterised by attacks of rapid heart rate or tachycardia.

  2. Women and stroke

    Stroke is the second biggest killer of Australian women and kills more women than breast cancer.

  3. Workplace safety - infection control

    The spread of many pathogens in the workplace can be prevented with regular hand washing.

  4. Wounds - how to care for them

    Chronic wounds are more likely to heal if they are treated with moist rather than dry dressings.

  5. Wrinkles

    Sun exposure, smoking and ageing are the main causes of wrinkles.

  6. X-ray examinations

    An x-ray examination uses a special machine to take two-dimensional pictures of internal body structures to help diagnose conditions or injuries.

  7. Yoga - health benefits

    The health benefits of regular yoga practice may include lowering blood pressure, improved posture and circulation, and a sense of wellbeing.

  8. Youth suicide – the warning signs

    All suicide threats are serious. You don't have to be a trained professional to help a person contemplating suicide.

  9. Zika virus

    Zika virus is a mosquito-borne virus. There is no cure, specific treatment or vaccine for Zika virus.

  10. Çrregullimi i stresit post-traumatik (Post-traumatic stress disorder - Albanian)

    Çrregullimi i stresit post-traumatik (PTSD) është një grup reagimesh që mund të shfaqen tek njerëzit që kanë përjetuar ose dëshmuar një ngjarje traumatike që kërcënon jetën ose sigurinë e tyre.