Better Health Channel

Viewing 221-230 of 260 results

  1. Support and advice in hospital

    A hospital stay can be stressful for patients and their loved ones. All Victorian hospitals offer hospital support and hospital advice to people needing extra help.

  2. Support groups

    Support groups offer valuable advice and support and give you the chance to share information with others in a similar situation to you.

  3. Surgery - recovery and rehabilitation

    Major surgery can require some time to recover from. After your discharge from hospital, you may need intensive physical rehabilitation, or to simply take it easy for a few days. Make sure you get the required care after your hospital discharge.

  4. TAC compensation after a transport accident

    Financial compensation after a transport accident is available from the TAC for qualifying Victorians

  5. Talking about dying

    It is important that you make as much quality time as possible to spend with those you love and that you talk to them about dying.

  6. Talking to health professionals about drugs, alcohol or addiction

    Talking with your doctor or healthcare professional is an important step in getting care for issues of drug or alcohol addiction or dependence.

  7. Talking to health professionals about mental health issues

    Talking with a doctor or healthcare professional about your mental health issues will help you to feel comfortable and get the most appropriate treatment for your needs.

  8. Talking with your doctor about sensitive issues

    Building a strong, trusting relationship with your doctor can make it easier to talk with them about sensitive issues.

  9. The 'new norm' - Sharon and Phillip's story

    Sharon talks about caring for Phillip from accident to recovering at home

  10. Transition care after hospital

    The Transition Care Program provides care through tailored support packages, while the Home and Community Care (HACC) Program provides a range of basic maintenance and support services.