Fertility and the reproductive system - female
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- Breast augmentation surgery (breast implants)
Breast implants are inserted under the skin to create larger breasts.
- Breast awareness
Women should become familiar with the normal look, feel and shape of their breasts, so they will notice any abnormal changes.
- Breast cancer
Breast cancer is the most common cancer in women in Australia (apart from non-melanoma skin cancer) and the second most common cancer to cause death in women.
- Breast cancer and oestrogen
There are different types of breast cancer, and around 70 per cent are sensitive to the female sex hormone oestrogen.
- Breast conditions other than breast cancer
The vast majority of breast changes are not breast cancer, but you should always see your doctor if you notice changes in your breasts.
- Breast reduction for women
Breast reduction surgery removes excess breast fat, glandular tissue and skin to achieve a breast size in proportion with your body.
- Breastfeeding
Breastfeeding positioning and attachment come naturally to some babies and mothers, but many need time and practice to get it right.
- Women's sexual and reproductive health hubs
Sexual and reproductive health hubs provide a range of sexual and reproductive health services for Victorian women, girls and gender diverse people.
- Ectopic pregnancy
Ectopic pregnancy is caused by a fertilised egg not being able to move through the fallopian tube.
- Fallopian tube cancer
Fallopian tube cancer is one of the rarest gynaecological cancers.
- Laparoscopy
The advantage of laparoscopy is that only a small incision is required, which is why it is also known as 'keyhole surgery'.
- Myths and facts about chlamydia
Chlamydia is a sexually transmissible infection that is caused by the bacteria Chlamydia trachomatis.
- Ovarian cancer
Many women with early stage ovarian cancer may not have any symptoms.
- Pelvic inflammatory disease (PID)
Information about pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) an infection that affects the female reproductive system. Includes causes, symptoms, diagnosis, risks, treatment, prevention and where to get help.
- Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS)
Polycystic ovary syndrome is a hormonal condition associated with irregular menstrual cycles, excess hair growth, acne, reduced fertility, and increased risk of diabetes and mood changes.
- Pregnancy and birth - related emergencies
A medical emergency can happen at any time during pregnancy, labour and birth. Some emergencies can be life threatening for pregnant women and their babies.
- Pregnancy stages and changes
It’s helpful to have an idea of how your body may react to the different stages of pregnancy. It also helps to know how pregnancy may affect your emotions and feelings.
- Salpingitis
Salpingitis is one of the most common causes of female infertility and may permanently damage the fallopian tubes.
- Women's sexual and reproductive health hubs
Sexual and reproductive health hubs provide a range of sexual and reproductive health services for Victorian women, girls and gender diverse people.
- DES daughters
If your mother took DES while she was pregnant with you, then you are a DES daughter or DES son.
- Health checks for women
A woman at high risk of a particular disease should be checked more frequently and/or at an earlier age.
- Pelvic floor
Pelvic floor exercises are designed to improve muscle tone and prevent the need for corrective surgery.
- Pregnancy stages and changes
It’s helpful to have an idea of how your body may react to the different stages of pregnancy. It also helps to know how pregnancy may affect your emotions and feelings.
- Puberty
Adjusting to the many changes that happen around puberty can be difficult for both parents and young people.
- Reproductive system
New life begins when a male sex cell (sperm) fertilises a female egg (ovum) within the female reproductive system.
- Transvaginal mesh
Transvaginal mesh has been used for more than 20 years to manage problems for women such as prolapse and incontinence. While this treatment is successful for many women, some unfortunately have complications very soon after their operation or years later. For these women, the symptoms are serious and can be debilitating.
- Women's sexual and reproductive health hubs
Sexual and reproductive health hubs provide a range of sexual and reproductive health services for Victorian women, girls and gender diverse people.
- Age and fertility
Age affects the fertility of both men and women, and is the single biggest factor affecting a woman?s chance to conceive and have a healthy baby.
- Assisted reproductive technology – IVF and ICSI
IVF (in-vitro-fertilization) and ICSI (intracytoplasmic sperm injection) are assisted reproductive treatment (ART) procedures in which fertilisation of an egg occurs outside the body.
- Contraception - choices
Different methods of contraception available in Australia - includes LARC implants and IUDs, injections, contraceptive pills, condoms, diaphragm, vaginal ring, sterilisation, natural and withdrawal.
- Contraception after an abortion
You can become fertile again very soon after a surgical or medical abortion, so it's important to start using contraception immediately if you wish to prevent any unwanted pregnancies.
- Contraception information translated into community languages
This page shows you where to find translated information about the different methods of contraception (how to prevent getting pregnant) available in Australia
- Ectopic pregnancy
Ectopic pregnancy is caused by a fertilised egg not being able to move through the fallopian tube.
- Egg freezing
You can freeze your eggs for medical reasons or for reasons that are more to do with your life circumstances.
- Infertility in women
The odds of a young fertile couple conceiving by having sexual intercourse around the time of ovulation are approximately one in five every month.
- Miscarriage
A range of feelings is normal after a miscarriage, and they often linger for some time.
- Molar pregnancy
Most molar pregnancies are diagnosed when bleeding early in pregnancy prompts an ultrasound scan.
- Placenta praevia
Placenta praevia means the placenta has implanted at the bottom of the uterus, over the cervix or close by.
- Placental abruption
Placental abruption means the placenta has detached from the wall of the uterus, starving the baby of oxygen and nutrients.
- Pregnancy - preeclampsia
There is no evidence that preeclampsia is caused by emotional stress, working too hard or not getting enough rest.
- Pregnancy and birth - related emergencies
A medical emergency can happen at any time during pregnancy, labour and birth. Some emergencies can be life threatening for pregnant women and their babies.
- Pregnancy stages and changes
It’s helpful to have an idea of how your body may react to the different stages of pregnancy. It also helps to know how pregnancy may affect your emotions and feelings.
- Pregnancy testing
Sometimes, a home pregnancy test may be positive when a woman isn’t pregnant.
- Twins - identical and fraternal
Multiple births are more common due to the advancing average age of mothers and the rise in assisted reproductive techniques.
- Weight, fertility and pregnancy health
Compared with women in the healthy weight range, women who are carrying extra weight are less likely to conceive.
- Women's sexual and reproductive health hubs
Sexual and reproductive health hubs provide a range of sexual and reproductive health services for Victorian women, girls and gender diverse people.
- Menopausal hormone therapy
Menopausal hormone therapy can reduce menopausal symptoms, but the benefits and risks need to be considered carefully.
- Menopause
Menopause is a natural occurrence and marks the end of a woman's reproductive years.
- Menopause and osteoporosis
Regular weight-bearing exercise and maintaining a diet rich in calcium from childhood will help reduce bone loss at menopause.
- Menopause and sex
Menopause, the final menstrual period, is a natural event that marks the end of a woman's reproductive years.
- Menopause and weight
Weight gain at menopause can be managed using healthy eating and exercise; menopausal hormone therapy may also be beneficial.
- Menopause management
Menopause is when you have your final period. There are different ways to manage menopausal symptoms, depending on their severity.
- Premature and early menopause
The symptoms of premature or early menopause are the same as for menopause at any age.
- Women's sexual and reproductive health hubs
Sexual and reproductive health hubs provide a range of sexual and reproductive health services for Victorian women, girls and gender diverse people.
- Absent periods – amenorrhoea
Some women are more at risk of amenorrhoea (the absence of periods) because of emotional stress or changes in weight.
- Heavy periods
About heavy periods (menorrhagia or abnormal uterine bleeding). Details on blood loss, symptoms, causes, health effects, diagnosis, treatment and where to get help.
- Ovulation and fertility
The female body shows several signs of ovulation and you may experience some or all of these signs.
- Ovulation pain
Ovulation pain is usually harmless, but can sometimes indicate various medical conditions such as endometriosis.
- Pelvic inflammatory disease (PID)
Information about pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) an infection that affects the female reproductive system. Includes causes, symptoms, diagnosis, risks, treatment, prevention and where to get help.
- Period pain – dysmenorrhoea
Women of any age can experience painful periods and some women find periods are no longer painful after pregnancy and childbirth.
- Premenstrual syndrome (PMS)
Most menstruating women have some form of premenstrual syndrome (PMS).
- The menstrual cycle
The menstrual cycle is complex and is controlled by many different glands and the hormones that these glands produce.
- Toxic shock syndrome (TSS)
If you think you could have toxic shock syndrome, stop using tampons immediately and go to the emergency department of your nearest hospital.
- Women's sexual and reproductive health hubs
Sexual and reproductive health hubs provide a range of sexual and reproductive health services for Victorian women, girls and gender diverse people.
- Bacterial vaginosis
Bacterial vaginosis (BV) is caused by an imbalance of the bacteria normally present in the vagina. Includes causes, symptoms, transmission, treatments, prevention and where to get help.
- Cosmetic genital surgery - labiaplasty and phalloplasty
Cosmetic genital surgery involves reshaping the labia, vulva or penis to alter their size or shape.
- Cysts
Cysts may be as small as a blister or large enough to hold litres of fluid.
- Female genital cutting or circumcision (FGC)
Female genital cutting or circumcision (FGC) involves the cutting or altering of the external female genital organs.
- Labial adhesions
Labial adhesions are more common during the nappy years, but poor hygiene may be a cause in older girls.
- Laparoscopy
The advantage of laparoscopy is that only a small incision is required, which is why it is also known as 'keyhole surgery'.
- Pelvic inflammatory disease (PID)
Information about pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) an infection that affects the female reproductive system. Includes causes, symptoms, diagnosis, risks, treatment, prevention and where to get help.
- Pelvic organ prolapse
The ligaments and muscles that support the pelvic organs sometimes stretch and cause these organs to drop down. This is called a ‘pelvic organ prolapse’.
- Rectocele
A rectocele is when the rectum protrudes into the vagina.
- Vaginal bleeding - irregular
If you suffer from ongoing vaginal bleeding problems, see your doctor.
- Vaginal cancer
Some vaginal cancers have no symptoms in their early stages, and only cause symptoms once they have invaded other parts of the body.
- Vaginal thrush
Vaginal thrush is common. All about causes, symptoms, treatment, prevention and what to do if you keep getting vaginal yeast infections.
- Vulvar cancer
In its early stages, vulvar cancer often has no symptoms because the cancer is so tiny.
- Vulvar conditions
Vulvar conditions include skin complaints, infections, chronic pain and cancerous conditions.
- Women's sexual and reproductive health hubs
Sexual and reproductive health hubs provide a range of sexual and reproductive health services for Victorian women, girls and gender diverse people.
- Assisted reproductive technology – IVF and ICSI
IVF (in-vitro-fertilization) and ICSI (intracytoplasmic sperm injection) are assisted reproductive treatment (ART) procedures in which fertilisation of an egg occurs outside the body.
- Caesarean section
A caesarean section is usually performed when it is safer for the mother or the baby than a vaginal birth.
- Contraception - tubal ligation
Sterilisation is a permanent method of contraception.
- Dilatation and curettage (D&C)
A dilatation and curettage (D&C) is an operation performed on women to lightly scrape away the womb lining.
- Hysterectomy
The conditions that prompt a hysterectomy can often be treated by other means, and hysterectomy should only be a last resort.
- Pelvic inflammatory disease (PID)
Information about pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) an infection that affects the female reproductive system. Includes causes, symptoms, diagnosis, risks, treatment, prevention and where to get help.
- Women's sexual and reproductive health hubs
Sexual and reproductive health hubs provide a range of sexual and reproductive health services for Victorian women, girls and gender diverse people.
- Cancer of the uterus
Uterine cancer is one of the most common gynaecological cancers.
- Cervical cancer
Cervical cancer information including signs and symptoms, screening, risk factors, diagnosis, treatment, HPV vaccine and where to get help. Tests are recommended for 25-74 year olds every 5 years.
- Cervical screening
Cervical cancer can be prevented through regular screening (every 5 years). Cervical cancer screening is recommended for women or people with a cervix (25 to 74 years) who have been sexually active.
- Contraception - vaginal ring
The vaginal ring works in a similar way to the combined oral contraceptive pill to prevent pregnancy.
- Endometriosis
Endometriosis is a condition that affects one in 10 women. It can sometimes cause severe pain and might reduce your fertility. There are many treatment options available.
- Fibroids
Fibroids are muscle growths found in the muscular wall of your uterus. Fibroids don’t usually cause problems and there are many treatment options available.
- Laparoscopy
The advantage of laparoscopy is that only a small incision is required, which is why it is also known as 'keyhole surgery'.
- Myths and facts about chlamydia
Chlamydia is a sexually transmissible infection that is caused by the bacteria Chlamydia trachomatis.
- Pelvic inflammatory disease (PID)
Information about pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) an infection that affects the female reproductive system. Includes causes, symptoms, diagnosis, risks, treatment, prevention and where to get help.
- Prolapsed uterus
The pelvic floor and associated supporting ligaments can be weakened or damaged in many ways, causing uterine prolapse.
- Retroverted uterus
Painful sex may be caused by a retroverted uterus.
- Uterine inversion
Uterine inversion means the placenta fails to detach from the uterine wall, and pulls the uterus inside-out as it exits.
- Women's sexual and reproductive health hubs
Sexual and reproductive health hubs provide a range of sexual and reproductive health services for Victorian women, girls and gender diverse people.